
Open Source

Eclipse GLSP

“GLSP is an extensible open source framework to build custom diagram editors in the web/cloud. These editors can be deployed stand-alone or integrated into a web-based IDE such as Eclipse Theia or VS Code. GLSP defines a language server protocol (LSP) for diagrams and integrates well with your existing tool chain and business logic.”

In HybridAIR we are using Eclipse GLSP for implementing domain-specific, interactive diagram editors ranging from interactive visualization of inferred statemachines from textually specified rules to editable statemachine editors that are connected to proprietary data sources. These editors are integrated in a traditional Eclipse IDE but are also available in a cloud IDE based on Eclipse Theia.

Eclipse Theia

“Eclipse Theia is an extensible platform to develop multi-language Cloud & Desktop IDEs with state-of-the-art web technologies.”

HybridAIR requires flexibly mixing textual and graphical languages to provide the most benefits for domain engineers. This flexibility doesn’t end at the model representation, but also includes the IDE platform with which domain engineers interact with those model representations – in a rich-client application based on Eclipse or in a browser with a cloud IDE, such as Eclipse Theia.